All posts by: Florida Construction Law Group

About Florida Construction Law Group

Draw request disputes are a major challenge for general contractors. When a contractor secures a construction loan, they agree to a draw schedule that determines their progress payments. Disruptions to this draw schedule can be financially devastating, risking timely project completion and piling on costs from added interest, labor issues, remobilization fees, and even the […]

When construction disputes arise, it’s important to understand and consider all dispute resolution options on the table. That includes both mediation and arbitration, otherwise known as alternative dispute resolution (ADR), as options to resolve disputes with integrity and allow the important work you’re doing to move forward. Both of these options can help avoid the […]

Indemnity clauses in construction contracts require one party to cover losses or claims for another. It’s essentially a worst-case scenario clause, but it’s a reality that some Florida construction projects face and contracts must address. However, sometimes, the law imposes this obligation even without a contract. As an indemnitee, ensuring you receive what you’re entitled […]

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) formally voted to ban non-compete clauses in employment contracts, including for most construction workers. This is a major change for construction contracts and workers in the industry, as non-compete clauses have long been used for protecting investments both in construction employees and construction work. Many construction companies invest in training […]

In construction law, performance bonds play a pivotal role in securing financial commitment to a project. These financial instruments ensure that construction projects are executed smoothly and without disruption. However, when disputes arise and claims are made against performance bonds, a complex dance of legal intricacies commences. When a surety is facing potential liability due […]

What’s in a contract? For construction contractors, the answer should be everything. Contracts are the backbone of Florida construction work, and it’s imperative that these contracts are fortified with careful and thorough legal consideration. But, what terms do you really need and what do some of the common terms actually represent when you’re signing a […]